Bush supporters make me laugh
but first man, great movie, although I am voting for kerry, I decided to read the reviews for a few luaghs and I got a bunch, I think one person said "I am glad you werent brain-washed by the media into thinking bush is a nazi and kerry is god, becuase kerry is dumb" now thats the dumbest statement ever? I do think YOU have been brain-washed, personally being as bushys was is on TERROR he has about 59 more countires to go and we are already in the hole 130 billion and over 1,000 lives, btw the gulf war cost 5 billion. Oh ya and the nuclear bomb bush is building. A five kiloton "bunker buster" called the R.N.E.P (Robust Nuclear Earth Penatrator) when it explodes underground it speards radiation into the topsoil/water supplie, + it destroys a mile if it explodes above ground. 3 of them would equal the heroshima bomb. Not to mention you bush supporters have nothing against us just childish rants of "OMG kerrys an idiot" or "kerrys dumb" even though your man graduated with C's and didnt go to war AND put us into a war against the wrong person, what about kim jong, the leader of iran, or saudi arabia, oh no thats right the saudis are friends, even if 9 of the fifteen hijackers were saudis, AND iraq never attacked us and every report states that there were NO WMDs well anyway loved the movie it was great and really funny, and btw stop that childish name calling back up your statements with something little known by your kind, FACTS AND THE TRUTH :)